
  • 3 Lessons

    Basic LearnDash Overview

    This is an example of a free course demonstrating some of the core LearnDash functionality.

    Key concepts covered include:

    • LearnDash Focus Mode demonstration
    • Accepted media files
    • Example quiz questions
    • Timer demonstration
    • Course workflow

    Advanced functionality such as learner engagement notifications, assignments, essay questions (and more) are not featured. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions relating to any of the LearnDash functionality. 🙂

  • 4 Lessons

    Course 2

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

  • 0 Lessons

    情绪接纳 & 心理位移 工作坊 (10小时)

    1. 以不同的角度理解情绪的面貌。
    2. 运用叙事治療理论来理解情绪,并进一步学习接纳情绪。
    3. 体验情绪并用心理位移的方式与自己共处和对话。
  • 0 Lessons


    《疗愈,从感受情绪开始》 线上讲座 情绪无影无形, 就算你知道感受情绪是重要的, 就算你知道,疗愈是重新感受情绪和接纳人性, 那你愿意勇敢让自己感受真实的情绪吗? 其实伤痛没有特效药,勇于面对情绪浪潮, 就是最好的处方笺。 我们总是急于处理伤痛,却不知道应该先学会「感受」。 我们习惯以压抑来隐藏情绪,却忘了当这些情绪层层堆叠于心, 总有一天会成为满满的岩浆,随著伤痛与情绪的火山爆发。
  • 5 Lessons

    萨提尔的情绪安顿——成长团体 【线上课程】


    1. 对情绪有初步的认识和学习
    2. 运用萨提尔冰山和心理学理论来协助情绪抚慰和管理


    18/7 第一堂课:互相认识 & 何谓情绪
    25/7 第二堂课:认识应对姿态与萨提尔冰山
    01/8 第三堂课:萨提尔冰山之觉察历程
    08/8 第四堂课:萨提尔冰山之转化历程
    15/8 第五堂课:生活实践与总结